Near the attractions in Hiroshima, also a perfect location for business.
Approximately 10 minutes by taxi, 20 minutes by tram from JR Hiroshima station. A 10 minute walk from Genbaku Dome (Hiroshima Peace Memorial) which is designated as a historic asset.
Enjoy the your stay at Hotel Hokke Club Hiroshima.
・Approximately 20 minutes by tram from JR Hiroshima Station to Fukuromachi station.
By train

・Approximately 20 minutes by tram from JR Hiroshima Station to Fukuromachi station.
By car

・Approximately 30 minutes by car from Hiroshima IC to the city center district 54.
There is a multy-story parking lot with 48 standard car slots and 12 high-roof vehicle slots on a first come, first served basis.
- Price
- 1300 yen/night from 14:00 to 11:00 on the next day. 200 yen/hour outside the parking hours.
※ We will lead you to the affiliated parking lot in case the parking if full. - Others
- Affiliated parking lot: 1300 yen for the first 24 hours after entry. (re-entry is not allowed)
※ Not accessible between 24:00 and 7:00 since the parking lot is closed.
※We shall not be liable for vehicle loss or damage.
※ It may take time to park the car or you may be required to park the car far away from the hotel sometimes due to the crowd. Thank you for your understanding.

From airport

・Approximately 50 minutes by bus from Hiroshima Airport.